Monday 19 April 2010

Annual check-up

A couple of weeks ago I had my annual check-up. A blood sample was taken. I then received a call from the surgery asking me to come and see my doctor. The usual stress of waiting in a surgery waiting room before being called was in evidence. The screaming baby, a serial cougher, a small child fascinated by my size just stopping beside me and staring. What is the matter with these people? Can’t they be ill quietly?
If there was any doubt as to my identity it was exposed by the 100-decibel announcement, “Mr. Chris Meredith, go to room 10 please”. I sheepishly arose from my seat and strode across the surgery with purpose, leaving the noise and mayhem behind me.
My doctor is a good bloke. Very down to earth and matter of fact. He calmly informed me that my kidneys are leaking protein into my urine. This is an indication that my kidneys show a decreased capability to excrete waste products. Untreated, this could lead to CKD (Chronic kidney disease). A prospect that fills me with utter dread.

He prescribed a new tablet for me, Ramipril. It is used for preventing kidney failure due to high blood pressure or diabetes. Very comforting. One tablet to be taken a day.

I am now realising that having type 2 diabetes is more serious than I thought.

As my obesity is a major problem regarding the disease I asked if I could be considered for having a gastric band fitted. The doc shook his head and told me I was too slim. It seems that I have to put on another seven stone before I would be considered. If I put that amount of weight on I would probably drop dead of a heart attack. I think I will give it a miss and concentrate on losing weight naturally.

I am due to see the doc again in a couple of weeks. I do need to get advice on whether to cut down on food containing protein. In the meantime, I have formulated my battle plan.
Weight Loss

Twenty-four years ago I lost 6 stone. I did this by going on a 1,500 calorie a day diet. I was married at the time and my wife provided great support and encouragement. I looked and felt fantastic. The trouble was, the second I went on holiday I relaxed the calorie count, eat what I liked and continued to ignore the diet after the holiday. Within a few months I had put all the weight back on and more.

It is this failure to keep the weight off through a strict diet that colours my view today.
I have decided that healthier eating and exercise is the key for me. I have joined a local health club that has a gym and swimming pool. I like swimming – the gym not so much. In the next blog I will tell you all about the health check I was given.

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